Geography of Tokyo

菊地 俊夫松山 洋佐々木 リディアエランガ ラナウィーラゲ(編)

菊地 俊夫松山 洋佐々木 リディアエランガ ラナウィーラゲ(編)

定価 3,080 円(本体 2,800 円+税)

ISBN:978-4-254-16362-9 C3025

ネット書店で購入する amazon e-hon 紀伊國屋書店 丸善ジュンク堂書店 Honya Club Rakutenブックス くまざわ書店

書店の店頭在庫を確認する 紀伊國屋書店


全編英語で執筆された,東京の地理の入門書。〔内容〕Landforms/Climate/Animals and Plants in Tokyo/Waters and Seas/History and Culture/Living in Tokyo/Economy/Tourism


●Concise and academic information on nature, history, and culture of Tokyo
●Introductory articles and “Close-up” columns show the wide perspective of geography of Tokyo.
●Readership: students, researchers in geography and professionals in tourism


Discover Tokyo 東京を見る (Hiroshi Matsuyama)
1. Discover Tokyo from different spatial scales
2. Tokyo's population and the Kanto Plain nourishing it
3. Tokyo's water and history

Chapter 1
Tokyo's Landforms 東京の地形 (Takehiko Suzuki)
1.1 Kanto's landforms
1.2 From mountains to lowlands
Kanda River and its flow (Hiroshi Matsuyama)
Tokyo's underground (Takehiko Suzuki)
Earthquakes and countermeasures (Takehiko Suzuki)
Mt. Fuji and Tokyo (Takehiko Suzuki)

Chapter 2
Tokyo's Climate 東京の気候 (Hideo Takahashi)
2.1 Geographical factors which influence Tokyo's climate
2.2 Seasonal variation in Tokyo's precipitation and temperature
2.3 Distribution of temperatures in Tokyo
2.4 Sea breeze/land breeze alternation
Why summer in Tokyo is not only “hot” but also “humid”? (Hiroshi Takahashi)
Snow in Tokyo (Hiroshi Takahashi)
Cumulus clouds along the Kampachi (ring road no. 8) (Hiroshi Takahashi)
“Guerilla” torrential rains (Hideo Takahashi)

Chapter 3
Vegetation and Wildlife in Tokyo 東京の動植物 (Sadao Takaoka)
3.1 Diversity of forest vegetation
3.2 Tokyo's subtropical zone
3.3 Wild birds in Tokyo
3.4 Protagonists of Tokyo's nights: mammals
3.5 Nature along Tama River
3.6 Changing wildlife
Jingu's forest (Tatsuhiro Isogai)
Satoyama (Sadao Takaoka)
Tokyo's raccoon dogs (Sadao Takaoka)

Chapter 4
Tokyo's Waters and Seas 東京の水と海 (Hiroshi Matsuyama)
4.1 Tokyo's waters
4.2 Tokyo's seas
Water buses on Sumida River (Kei Ota)
Natural springs and tōfu production (Kazuki Ishikawa)
Edo's waterworks (Daichi Nakayama)
Tokyo's hot springs (Hiroshi Matsuyama)

Chapter 5
Tokyo's History and Culture 東京の歴史と文化 (Toshio Kikuchi)
5.1 Edo Castle, the origins of Tokyo
5.2 Edo's popular culture
5.3 Western-style town planning and birth of modern Tokyo
5.4 Disaster recovery and changes in Tokyo
Edo's spatial range (Myungjin Hong)
Edo's public holidays (Myungjin Hong)
Tokyo's place names (Myungjin Hong)
Edo's food culture (Ryo Iizuka)

Chater 6
Living in Tokyo 東京に住む (Yoshiki Wakabayashi)
6.1 Tokyoites
6.2 Urban expansion and formation of residential suburbs
6.3 Residential mobility and tendency for living in the city
6.4 Changes in population composition and distribution
Tokyo's historic Shitamachi and Yamanote (Ryo Koizumi)
Revival of Tokyo's new towns (Hitoshi Miyazawa)
Tokyo's islands (Kantaro Takahashi)
Tokyo's subway system (Hitoshi Yagai)

Chater 7
Tokyo's Economy 東京の経済 (Naoto Yabe)
7.1 Land use changes in the Tokyo metropolitan area since the 1990s
7.2 Location of IT industries in the Tokyo metropolitan area
7.3 Changes in industrial structure 111
Ginza in Tokyo (Ryo Iizuka)
Urban farming in Tokyo (Ryo Iizuka)
Harajuku backstreets and fashion (Naoto Yabe)
Machi-kōba in Tokyo (Ryo Iizuka)

Chater 8
Tourism in Tokyo 東京の観光 (Koun Sugimoto)
8.1 Tokyo's inbound tourism boom
8.2 Tourism resources and tourism industries
8.3 Expansion of MICE business in Tokyo
Two Tokyo Olympics (Kei Ota)
Tower-based tourism in Tokyo (Kei Ota)
Mt. Takao: Tokyo's most popular mountain (Akira Nakayama)
Ueno shopping streets and inbound tourism (Kei Ota)

Tokyo's Future: Sustainable Tokyo 東京の未来 (Toshio Kikuchi)
1 Tokyo as a primate city
2 Enhancing and expanding the centrality of Tokyo
3 Realizing a symbiotic city
4 Tokyo as a disaster-mitigation city and disaster-conquering city






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