11-5-16 ⓔ文献

  1. 厚生労働省研究班:慢性特発性偽性腸閉塞症 (CIIP) の我が国における疫学・診断・治療の実態調査研究班 平成23年度研究報告書 (研究代表者 中島淳).厚生労働省科学研究費補助金難治性疾病克服研究事業,2011.

  2. Iida H, Ohkubo H, et al: Epidemiology and clinical experience of chronic intestinal pseudo–obstruction in Japan: a nationwide epidemiologic survey. J Epidemiol, 2013; 23: 288–294.

  3. Ohkubo H, Iida H, et al: An epidemiologic survey of chronic intestinal pseudo–obstruction and evaluation of the newly proposed diagnostic criteria. Digestion, 2012; 86: 12–19.

  4. Ohkubo H, Kessoku T, et al: Assessment of small bowel motility in patients with chronic intestinal pseudo–obstruction using cine–MRI. Am J Gastroenterol, 2013; 108: 1130–1139.

  5. Ohkubo H, Fuyuki A, et al: Efficacy of percutaneous endoscopic gastro–jejunostomy (PEG–J) decompression therapy for patients with chronic intestinal pseudo–obstruction (CIPO). Neurogastroenterol Motil, 2017; 29.

  6. 大久保秀則,稲生優海,他:慢性特発性偽性腸閉塞.日本臨牀,2015; 73: 875–883.