17-10-19 ⓔ文献
Okuno Y, Murata T, et al: Defective Epstein–Barr virus in chronic active infection and haematological malignancy. Nat Microbiol, 2019; 4: 404–413.
Kimura H, Ito Y, et al: EBV–associated T/NK–cell lymphoproliferative diseases in nonimmunocompromised hosts: prospective analysis of 108 cases. Blood, 2012; 119: 673–686.
Arai A, Sakashita C, et al: Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for adults with EBV–positive T– or NK–cell lymphoproliferative disorders: efficacy and predictive markers. Bone Marrow Transplant, 2016; 51: 879–882.